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Product Description
1. I'm Gone Mama - Jim Murphy
2. Kool It Baby - Tommy Blake
3. Won't You Come Along With Me - Nat Couty
4. Hep Cat Baby - Gene Criss & The Hep Cats
5. Rough & Bold - Andy DIio & The Hi-Ways
6. Cool CoolDaddy - Wally Deane
7. Elvis Stole My Baby - Huey Long
8. Don't Shoot Me Baby - Bill Bowen With The Rockets
9. Rock-A-Me-Baby - Jerry Cronin & The Flashes
10. Crazy 'Bout You Baby - James Gallagher
11. Jukebox Mama - Merdel Floyd
12. I'm Hungrey For Your Lovin' - Danny Dill
13. Hey Baby - Bill Lawrence
14. Never - Sweety Jones
15. Mean Mama Blues - Marty Robbins
16. Gotta Lotta That - Gene Summers
17. The Prom - The Runabouts
18. Sweet Love - Orange Ray Hubbard
19. Walla Walla State Prison - Gary Williams
20. Everybody's Body - George Hamilton IV
21. Moo Mama - Ben Hall
22. Little Bit - Bobby Lonero
23. Running Man - Bud Landon & The RhythmMasters
24. Ghost Train - Electro -Tones
25. Rock `n` Roll Ruby - Johnny Carroll
26. Tore Up - Ray Campi
27. Sheddin' Tears Over You - Shorty Frog & His SpaceCats
28. Red Hot - Bob Luman
29. Little Bit More - Sleepy La Beef
30. Red Cadillac & A Black Mustache - Warren Smith