Various - Rock & Roll With Piano Vol. 7 CD CD -

Various - Rock & Roll With Piano Vol. 7 CD

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Product Description

1. What Does a Lifeguard Do in the Fall? - June August 
2. Thunderbird Beach - Floyd Brown
3. Picadilly Rose - Frankie & Johnny
4. Ready Little Steady - Paul Kirk & Sandy Block & The Pagenants
5. 2 O'Clock Express - The Adventurers
6. It Don't Pay - Barry Stanley
7. Jelly Bean - Randy King  & the FM Duo
8. Maypo - The Panics
9. Let's Rock and Roll Again - Earl Jones  & the Southernaires
10. I Saw You Standing - Leigh Howell
11. Rockin' Rocket - Jimmy Nelis  & The Counts
12. Island of Regret - Sam  Baker & the Jay-Bees
13. I Love My Baby -  Ted Patterson
14. Tribal Dance - Jim Balcon  & His Shades Of Rhythm
15. Cause I Love You - Jimmy Barbee
16. Pig Latin - Johnny Brooks 
17. Come Back Baby - Evans Carroll  & the Tempos
18. I Want You Now Honey Doll - Jay  Haggard & the Jubileers Band
19. 50-50 - Dwight Gordon 
20. Pigtails - The Malibu Bu's
21. Till My Money Run Out - Jesse Mattingly 
22. Carolyn - Jim Murray  & the Caravan
23. Rock Me Daddy - The Maty's Brothers
24. Make Room for Tomorrow - Paul Young  & the Versa-Tones
25. Hop Scotch - Larry Kemp  & The Hoboes
26. I Just Got Love Bug Bit - Ted Creekmore 
27. Truck Stop - Jerry Smith 
28. Ex Lover - Ted Patterson  & The Tunesters
29. Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On - Paul Wyatt 
30. Great Balls of Fire - Conrad 
31. Sazurak - Bob Baker 
32. Crazy Sack - Joe  Griffith & the Teen Age Rebels